After a 20-years career as a professional athlete I wish now to convey my vision of training, a global approach to performance respectful of the body and the environment in which we operate
Nicolas Lebrun
In Organicoach there is...
"Organic": for those who already know us, you know that it is our trademark, to be "organic athletes" and make you become "organic athletes". What does this imply? A very simple notion of respect for yourself and others, without chemicals not to push your body too far. Our goal is to make you stronger in the long run but not at any cost.
"Orga": because events are a very good to spread our message as well. And we also wish to help you organize your season, your sports travels, your daily training...
"Nico", for Nicolas LEBRUN of course: 15 years at national and international level in more than 10 outdoor sports, 3 Elite World titles (1 in XTERRA and 2 in winter triathlon), one-time silver and 2-times bronze medalist at Duathlon World championships, 13 medals at Elite World championships, all that thanks to a natural lifestyle and the help of aromatherapy, herbal medecine and osteopathy
and finally "Coach" : universal word symbolizing the monitoring we wish to give you, not limited to simple weekly training tables!

Co-founder of Organicoach
Globe trotter, XTERRA Eurpean Director
Professional triathlete from 1996 to 2013
2005 Elite XTERRA (cross triathlon) World champion
1999 and 2000 winter triathlon Elite World champion
12 individual medals at Elite World championships and Elite national titles within 17-years career
DEJEPS graduated in Triathlon
Cross-triathlon, triathlon, duathlon and trail specialist

Co-founder of Organicoach
Sports coach (XTERRA, triathlon, trail) and nutrition and lifestyle advisor
Certified XTERRA Coach
Cross triathlete, triathlete and trail runner
DU Graduated in "nutrition nutrient training exercise", Doctor of pharmacy trained at the School of Medicinal Plants in Lyon
Specialist in nutrition and natural health for athletes

Coach XTERRA certifié
DEJEPS triathlon, BPJEPS activités pour tous, Moniteur VTT
Spécialiste et pratiquant des sports d’endurance, triathlon, cross triathlon, VTT, course à pied, trail
Basé à Aix-en-provence (13)

Coach natation, triathlon
Triathlète professionnel de 1997 à 2006 (spécialiste longues distances), deux fois dans le top 10 de l'Ironman d'Hawaï (7ème en 1998 et 9ème en 2004), vice-champion du monde de Duathlon longue distance 1998, reconverti dans l’ultra trail (4ème à la CCC en 2014, 22e de l'UTMB en 2019)
BEESAN, coach diplomé en natation
Spécialiste en triathlon et trail
Basé à Beauvezer (04)

Sports Coach
Road runner (10k best: 31'01) and duathlete (U23 French national vice-champion)
Military sports graduate
Specialist in technical work and specific muscle strengthening
Living in Annecy (74)